Transaction Details
To see accurate decoded input data, the contract must be verified.
Verify the contract here
Potential matches from our contract method database:
IMPORTANT: This information is a best guess based on similar functions from other verified contracts. To have guaranteed accuracy, use the link above to verify the contract's source code.initialize(address _initialValidator):
Method Id | 0xc4d66de8 |
Call | initialize(address _initialValidator) |
Name | Type | Data |
_initialValidator | address |
Raw Trace
[ { "action": { "callType": "call", "from": "0xa1139510ad3977808e8d59568a5465cd014cbc25", "gas": "0xB20F", "input": "0xc4d66de8000000000000000000000000951d8d0849ae9bc906e7ab67b9d4bd2bf10b0132", "to": "0x548236199736c1137034a219e447d22c87b47862", "value": "0x0" }, "result": { "gasUsed": "0xAF83", "output": "0x" }, "subtraces": 1, "traceAddress": [], "type": "call" }, { "action": { "callType": "delegatecall", "from": "0x548236199736c1137034a219e447d22c87b47862", "gas": "0xA9F9", "input": "0xc4d66de8000000000000000000000000951d8d0849ae9bc906e7ab67b9d4bd2bf10b0132", "to": "0x8db42d52d90d9ad07d188e19b95452f0de554d13", "value": "0x0" }, "result": { "gasUsed": "0xA9F9", "output": "0x" }, "subtraces": 0, "traceAddress": [ 0 ], "type": "call" }]